Having lived in Flagstaff, Arizona, for several years (it’s home to a ski resort, so you can imagine what the winters are like), my first piece of advice for driving in the wintertime would be: if there’s snow or ice on the road, stay home. Either that or wait until the deicers and the […]
Realizing you’ve lost your passport can be somewhat unnerving, especially if you consider where it could end up—not to mention the very real threat of ID theft. An important first step to follow is to report the lost passport immediately so the U.S. Department of State (which last year alone had about 325,000 of […]
The overwhelmed feeling you might have as you prepare to travel for vacation is not an uncommon one. From checking that every bag and passport is in order the night before, to making airport snacks and confirming rides, there is a lot that goes into the entire traveling process. One of the best ways to […]
Whether you’re leaving for business or for pleasure, these sanity-saving travel essentials to tuck in your carry-on will make your voyage smoother and—should you need it—help weather any missed bag/flight/connection mishap with a little more ease. Hard Copies Of Important Personal Documents The first rule of international travel: never lose your passport. The second […]
You’ve booked your trip and you’re raring to go: the first thing on your mind is a spa treatment and a drink on the deck—the last thing might be staying safe aboard your floating first-class hotel. While it’s true that the cruise industry has instituted several new procedures and safety directives, as a passenger, […]