Testimonial: Untreatable Bacterial Infection in San Felipe

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Richard Naylor, Hillsboro, Oregon “I was at my winter home in San Felipe, Baja, California recovering from major cancer surgery when I suddenly became seriously ill from a bacterial infection that the doctor in San Felipe could not treat. The doctor called SkyMed for me, and the arrangements were made to return me home immediately. […]

Testimonial: Wife has Chest Pains While RVing in Mexico

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We were RVing in Mexico when Earline began experiencing chest pains. Examination at a local hospital indicated heart disease. The doctor urged us to get her back to the US as soon as possible. We contacted SkyMed, and they immediately took over, arranging Lear jet ambulance service from Los Mochis, Mexico to Sacramento, California. En […]

Testimonial: Member Breaks Hip in Mexico, Goes Home for Surgery

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Mary Jean & Roland Carter, Rockville, Maryland I was very thankful that I am a SkyMed Member when I broke my hip in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. A young woman called SkyMed for me and was told that I would be picked up the next morning at the Leon Airport. The trip from San […]

Testimonial: John & Connie Gorman, Phoenix, AZ

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SkyMed members John and Connie Gorman had just comfortably settled into their seats that Saturday aboard a Southwest Airlines direct flight from Phoenix to Providence, RI. Even though they were heading back east to say their good-byes to an old friend they were both feeling good. The plane was just cruising over Albuquerque airspace when […]

Testimonial: Husband Interned in Mexico Hospital, Wife Calls SkyMed for Help

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Guy & Linda Scholey Guy and Linda Scholey live in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico and in spite of the high altitude, Guy had successfully managed his COPD with oxygen supplements. Little did they dream they would need SkyMed’s air evacuation services until Guy was briefly interned in an outstanding hospital in Queretaro, an hour […]

Testimonial: Gordon & Connie Adams, Olympia, WA

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Gordon and Connie Adams were cruising aboard the QE2 when SkyMed received a distress call from the ship’s doctor. Mr. Adams had suffered a critical illness due to elevated blood pressure while the QE2 was at sea, the day before the ship was to dock in Acapulco, Mexico. By the time the they docked, SkyMed […]