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Guy & Linda Scholey

Guy and Linda Scholey live in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico and in spite of the high altitude, Guy had successfully managed his COPD with oxygen supplements. Little did they dream they would need SkyMed’s air evacuation services until Guy was briefly interned in an outstanding hospital in Queretaro, an hour from San Miguel.

A call was made to SkyMed early that Monday morning and later that day they were transported by ground ambulance from the hospital in Queretaro the airport, which was thirty minutes away.  A Lear jet was waiting, staffed with a critical care nurse and a pulmonary therapist. The staff ensured they had all of the necessary equipment and tested everything prior to getting Guy’s stretcher on board. The pilots stood ready to take off the second they had clearance, and when they did, it was a brief two and a half-hour flight. By late afternoon, Guy and Linda arrived in Tucson.

Coming from Mexico, it was necessary to clear customs in Tucson, but due to the emergency, staff boarded the plane to gather documents and everything was accomplished quickly and efficiently. A ground ambulance was standing by, ready to transport the Scholeys to the University Medical Center where a bed and the entire ICU staff were waiting for Guy.

Linda said, “SkyMed came through for our family and thanks to the diligent work of the staff members to make it all happen, Guy was transported out, taken care of on the flight, and ended up exactly where he needed to be. We will always be grateful and thankful for SkyMed’s excellent service and kindness to their members.”

The Scholeys have been SkyMed members since August 2005 and Linda has been a SkyMed representative for the last six years.


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