When Douglas Miller, an ex-pat living in Guadalajara, Mexico, began having light chest pains, he consulted a cardiologist who quickly suggested a heart catheterization to determine the cause. According to friend Kerri Moon, Douglas was told in no uncertain terms that he needed surgery immediately.
“[We] made the call [to SkyMed] together upon first hearing the news of the severity of the issue,” recalls Kerri. “He thought it wouldn’t qualify as an emergency because he wasn’t having an actual heart attack!”
However, as far as SkyMed was concerned, Douglas was in critical need.
“We were directed to [VP Member Services] Jim Edwards,” continued Kerri. “He was comforting and efficient.” And speed was of the essence: Douglas ended up needing quintuple bypass surgery, the most intricate of the heart bypass surgeries and one that includes all five major arteries feeding the heart.
“The arrangements made exceeded our expectations,” said Kerri. “Once the doctor filled out the forms correctly (the hardest part to arrange!), Jim Edwards arranged a hospital bed and surgical team in Arizona, jet service to fly us both from Guadalajara to Phoenix, ambulance transport to and from the airports on either side, and a doctor to accompany us on the flight.”
SkyMed’s service did not end there.
“They even covered my return home [to Guadalajara] from Phoenix! The service was excellent both in Guadalajara and in Phoenix,” she added.
What would you tell your friends about your experience with SkyMed?
“I have recommended SkyMed to many people before this event based on anecdotes from others,” said Kerri. “Now I will be able to recommend SkyMed from personal observation of the amazing service they provide. Jim Edwards truly seemed to care about Doug!”
Always call SkyMed if you’re having a medical emergency! Medical evacuation flights are “pay before boarding:” SkyMed Champion Douglas’ medical jet from Guadalajara to Phoenix came with a 24,000 USD price tag, but he paid ZERO dollars apart from the cost of his membership. A premier SkyMed Membership comes with 18 emergency travel services, including Hospital-to-Hospital Emergency Air Transport, Companion Transportation, Return Transportation After Recovery, and more, all with NO copays, NO deductibles, and NO claim forms.