No doubt with the holiday season fast approaching there is at least one road trip in your future to go see family and friends. Regardless of how you feel about hitting the road (we know, we know), it’s always a good idea to prepare. Here are a few tips on how to get your car […]
This guest post was written by Sharon Wagner, editor of, a user-friendly site that offers “tips, tricks, and advice to stay active and engaged as you age.” Good news for senior travelers! You don’t need to spend a fortune in order to be able to take your retirement on the road. Whether your trading in […]
Congratulations! Boarding your very first cruise can be exhilarating, to say the least, though it might be a tad overwhelming. This is a unique vacation that comes with its own unique set of travel tips, so read on for some of our favorites. First, find a cruise line that fits your personality Are you cruising […]
You book in a hurry—and get a non-refundable ticket for the wrong date. Or head out the door and get to the airport during rush hour—only to realize you left your passport in your side table drawer. The list of #travelfails can be pretty long and some can even be quite funny (unless they happen […]
Traveling with prescription medication is very common nowadays and more often than not, is no cause for extraordinary preparation. Other than carrying your prescription or leaving the pills in the bottle, there really isn’t too much for you to think about. Flying with medicine overseas, however, can be an entirely different proposition. In some countries, […]
There are endless benefits to traveling, including making memories that can last a lifetime. Then there are the handful of cons, which can include some very unsavory souvenirs: bedbugs. These little guys have been around since the days of Aristotle and back in the 50s, people were acutely aware of prevention methods. However, thanks to […]