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emergency medevac membership

Travel much? Even if you don’t, chances are you’ve seen the little checkbox for travel insurance when you purchased your ticket. But why would you need that? After all, if the ticket only cost you a couple hundred dollars, it might be worth it to get the airline credit if the trip goes awry. And with all the travel blogging going on in the world, you may have seen a plug or two for medevac memberships. But why would you need that? If you’re not constantly traveling the world, it certainly seems like an expense you could pass up.

We couldn’t agree more, so we decided to offer you a top five list of reasons why you don’t need a medevac membership.

You own a chopper or a jet. And have a pilot on call.

Plus he or she has standby clearance and all the visas necessary to travel in and out of foreign countries at the drop of a hat. Just in case, you know.

You have money to burn (see above).

With medical evacuations running at about $100,000 out of pocket, having money to burn will get you where you need to be pronto.

You enjoy being in a foreign hospital in a foreign country, whether you speak the language or not.

A broken collarbone in Iceland incurred when hiking a glacier is not unheard of (talar þú íslensku??), nor is a case of “flesh eating disease” occurring in Spain (¿habla español?) If you don’t mind breaking out the Google translate app on your iPhone—assuming you’re in any kind of state to do so—please carry on without a medevac membership.

Your credit card has you covered.

Why spend more? Especially if you have one of those cards that have very few restrictions (such as transport only to the nearest qualified hospital rather than, say, home) and include all sorts of wonderful things like taking care of your companion’s transportation or bringing a loved one to your bedside, making sure your kids get home or your vehicle is driven back… “Minor” details like that.

You’re The Incredible Hulk, The Man of Steel or any combination thereof.

 Or Wonder Woman.

Not sure if your card (or your wallet) has what it takes to ensure your medical repatriation in case of emergency? Check what a SkyMed International membership can do for your peace of mind today!

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