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Gene & Kay Hunt

My wife fell and broke her T10 vertebrae and we were 235 miles from home at an RV park in Carthage, Missouri. She was taken to Carthage Mercy Hospital and later that night transferred to Joplin, Missouri Mercy Hospital. From Joplin, I called SkyMed to get her to a rehab hospital in our home area.

My first contact was great and was far beyond my expectations. I was told how to organize my bills and to wait to pay them until the final bill was received. I was told I would receive no bill from SkyMed and that everything would be taken care of. The hospital and SkyMed worked out all arrangements. The next thing I know the hospital person came by the room and told me the arrangements. She had to call SkyMed because the ambulance company needed to change the time.

SkyMed said no problem and told her they had already paid the ambulance company. The hospital rep could not believe how fast that happened. She told me SkyMed was so easy to work with. She asked, “Where did you find such a great emergency travel services company?”

The ambulance company was very efficient and made my wife comfortable and took excellent care of her on her 270-mile trip to St. Louis. We could not fly her because of lung problems from her fall.

We had a great experience with SkyMed and I would encourage others to become SkyMed members. After my wife got out of the hospital, I called SkyMed and told them I returned to Carthage one week later after the trip to St. Louis with my son to bring our RV home. They said if I end up with any bills from our first two ambulances that they would cover any expense we had. Everyone in the office was so nice, cooperative, and concerned. SkyMed far exceeded my expectations. What a great experience!!!

Gene Hunt

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