Testimonial: Jim and Pat Ensor, Coachmen International Board

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It was a pleasant evening at the Beothuk RV Park in Grand Falls, Windsor, Newfoundland. Jim and Pat Ensor were participating in a cookout with fellow campers. Around 8:00 P.M., Pat began to feel a burning sensation in the back of her neck. She was taken to the local medical center. Pat was seriously ill. […]

Testimonial: Jean & Robert Clouser, Groveland, FL

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“We were extremely well pleased with SkyMed’s handling of our request for service. Our initial idea was to have SkyMed insurance should my husband ever become unable to drive our motor home. But knowing that my medical situation was covered was a source of comfort. Hospital personnel were impressed, too.” Jean Clouser was hospitalized in […]

Testimonial: Janet Wilson, M.D., Wisconsin Rapids, WI

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While traveling from Florida to Wisconsin, I fell on February 20th at a motel in Stockbridge, GA (suburb of Atlanta) and fractured both bones in my left forearm. After treatment in the emergency room of Henry Medical Center, I was advised not to drive the remaining portion of my trip. You quickly and efficiently flew […]

Testimonial: James J. Glentzer, Pleasantville, IA

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I suffered a light stroke while in Texas for the winter months. I went to a VA clinic in McAllen, and underwent a series of tests. The doctor then advised me not to drive home. When I explained the circumstances to SkyMed, I was very pleased with the response. I was told SkyMed would pay […]

Testimonial: James C. and June Bright, Hanford, CA

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We were air evacuated from Dawson City, Yukon Territory, to Whitehorse, Y.T., then to Fresno, California. This also included 4 transports on ground ambulances and transportation of our RV from Whitehorse, to our front door, all provided by SkyMed. In the E.R. where admittance is done, the nurse provided by SkyMed demanded, and got a […]

Testimonial: Husband Falls & Cracks Hip in Michigan, Needs to Go Home to Texas

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Jack & Jan Parker from Killeen, Texas Writes Jack and Jan Parker: “We would recommend SkyMed from personal experience. My husband fell out of our truck in Michigan and cracked a hip. During his 8 days in the hospital we knew we were facing the problem of getting our RV and truck back to Texas. […]