Testimonial: Margaret and Charles Patton, Robinson, IL

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When the Pattons applied for SkyMed membership they never anticipated they would be putting it to use so quickly. The Pattons were vacationing in Sarasota, Florida. Less than three months later, Margaret Patton fell while staying in their camper and broke her hip. Margaret was taken to Sarasota Memorial Hospital, where she had surgery. Following […]

Testimonial: Wally Byam Member’s Wife Becomes Violently Ill, Husband calls SkyMed

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Lou & Betty Sales Lou & Betty Sales were attending the Wally Byam Caravan Club International (WBCCI) rally in Lansing, Michigan. Betty became violently ill, and Lou rushed her to a nearby hospital emergency room. Writes Lou, “The shock of this occurrence left me bewildered and alone in an unfamiliar environment, with the Independence Day […]

Testimonial: Husband & Wife Both Wind up in Hospital While Wintering in Florida

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Joseph & Caroline Sheehan Joseph and Caroline Sheehan, from Georgetown, Massachusetts, were wintering at Thousand Trails Campground in Orlando, Florida, when Mr. Sheehan fell and fractured his hip while exiting his motor home. A passerby saw what had happened and called 911 and Joe was taken by ground ambulance to Celebration Hospital in Kissimmee and […]

Testimonial: Air Ambulance Transport Needed For Member Facing Lower Leg Amputation

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John Lesh, a Wally Byam Caravan Club (WBCCI) member, had been experiencing problems with his leg prior to departing from his home in York, PA. However, his doctor had pronounced him fit for travel, so the Lesh’s packed their RV and left for Florida. The Lesh’s had only been in Florida for a short while […]

Testimonial: John and Lillian Woods, Gainsville, FL

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“My wife Lillian fell and broke her neck while rock climbing in Utah. She was helicoptered to Salt Lake City, where successful surgery was performed. How to get home? My problem was solved when I bought my SkyMed membership only 5 months earlier. SkyMed treated us more like friends than customers. We recommend SkyMed to […]

Testimonial: Member Becomes Critically Ill & Needs Immediate Surgery

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Joe and Betty Ryals – Orange Park, Florida Joe and Betty Ryals, from Orange Park, Florida, were in Buffalo, Wyoming en route to Gillette, Wyoming to attend the 2012 Holiday Rambler International Rally when Joe got sick and was in a lot of pain. They took him to the emergency room and found out he had […]