Cynthia Thomas
SkyMed always encourages its Members to contact us immediately after receiving medical attention. Sometimes, though, we don’t hear from them until after the fact. Even then, SkyMed can still deliver our trademark peace of mind.
Such was the case with SkyMed Champion Cynthia Thomas.
“I called SkyMed in October to renew my membership and, out of curiosity, asked Jim [Edwards, VP of Member Services] what SkyMed would have done in the following circumstances: I fell on August 10 in South Fork, CO, and dislocated my shoulder, fractured the head of the numerous, and tore my rotator cuff [and spent] three days in the hospital. I was loaded up with a lot of painkillers, and my friend drove the RV home [to Texas] so that I could see an orthopedic surgeon.
Jim said that if I’d called SkyMed, they would have gotten me home, but since I was home, they would reimburse me for the gas [I bought] to get home.”
“I was really surprised that SkyMed gave me any reimbursement since I was already home. Hopefully, I will never need their services, but now I know that it’s not just for things like heart attacks.”
How did you find out about SkyMed, and why did you choose SkyMed?
Cynthia signed up for her SkyMed Membership in 2017 at an Escapees Rally. “We liked the idea that they would get the RV home since I am not sure I could drive it towing the car.”
What would you tell your friends about your experience with SkyMed?
“I have told several people about the experience and actually gave an endorsement of SkyMed at Texas Rambling Rose annual meeting where several people signed up with Carol Carter.”
As Cynthia mentioned above, SkyMed is not just for heart attacks! Her injury was a serious one—that’s our indicator to step in and help, but we need you to call. In case of a health emergency, ALWAYS call for medical assistance first, then call SkyMed (or have a loved one contact us). We are committed to being the best emergency travel membership service in the world, and we are available to you 24/7/365 days of the year with no deductibles and no claim forms to fill—ever.