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Gregg & Sue Haskell

Traverse City, Michigan

My husband and I recently became Activity Directors at the Alamo Rose RV Resort in Alamo, Texas. This past January SkyMed Representative Stan Schwenke came to the park and gave a presentation. What we heard sounded like a good idea, considering the amount of traveling we do, the adventure of RV travels we’ve experienced, and the continuing health issues of growing older, so we decided to purchase a membership.

A couple of months later our daughter gave birth to a little girl who arrived three weeks early and within hours she began having complications related to Down Syndrome. When she stopped breathing, she was rushed to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

At that point we felt it was imperative for me to get to Indiana as soon as possible, so my husband Gregg started looking for flights online, a very frustrating thing to do under the calmest circumstances.

Then I remembered what we heard at the SkyMed presentation and suggested to Gregg that we call and see if they could do anything. I had no idea if they would help or not but they said we could call for travel arrangements so we gave it a try. Gregg called and talked to John in the SkyMed Travel Company and within minutes he found a one-way flight for me. It was the last seat available and half the price of everything we had looked at. What a relief! Just one phone call to SkyMed brought some much needed calmness to our chaotic morning and we were very grateful!

My daughter and our little “Princess Stella” are home now and doing great! Dad and her big brother are watching over them and we know the Good Lord was watching over us all.

Thank you SkyMed!


Gregg & Sue Haskell







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