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survivor-story-john-lesh-york-paJohn Lesh, a Wally Byam Caravan Club (WBCCI) member, had been experiencing problems with his leg prior to departing from his home in York, PA. However, his doctor had pronounced him fit for travel, so the Lesh’s packed their RV and left for Florida. The Lesh’s had only been in Florida for a short while when John developed osteomyelitis of his ankle and had to be admitted to the hospital. Wrote his wife, Dot, “John was on IV antibiotics and had to keep his foot elevated because of the infection. The doctor said there was no way he could return to York on a commercial flight.”

Continues John, “My wife called SkyMed. We were very pleased with your prompt response to our difficult problems. Facing an immediate lower leg amputation, we decided we needed to go back to York, PA to our own hospital and doctor. The SkyMed benefits are great, and I had excellent care by the air ambulance crew. The transport driver pulled up with our RV, and even backed the trailer into our yard beside the garage for us! We have already recommended SkyMed to our friends. All services were 100%.”


Without SkyMed: $14,000

With SkyMed: $0


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