My dad and my husband had traveled from Kansas City to Altoona, PA for a recreational trip. Dad had pulmonary fibrosis and wasn’t feeling well on the return trip and it became apparent that he needed to get help in Evansville, Indiana. They were about seven hours away from home, so Dad was taken to a local hospital and was told he had pneumonia and severe inflammation. After two days of treatment they told me he would not go home alive. When I explained that to Dad, he said, “I don’t want to die in Indiana. I want to go home.”
We called SkyMed and told them we wanted to try to get Dad home. At one point the ER said they didn’t think he was able to be transported home due to the risk, but after lots of pushing, the doctors confirmed he could make it and be received by a hospital in Kansas City. Shortly after that Dad and I boarded an air ambulance with a pilot and two paramedics who were very upbeat, and we really needed that kind of attitude and positivity! Upon arriving home Dad went to the ICU at a Trauma Care 1 hospital where they started another process for him to heal up, but it was not to be. Dad did have five more days in Kansas City and got to see every member of his family. He knew he was in his last days and he had things to say to all of the family and he was given that opportunity because SkyMed took us home. Dad never pictured he would use his membership in this way, but he was so very glad for it because he was able to see all of the family in time.
How did you find out about SkyMed and why did you choose SkyMed? Dad found out about SkyMed when wintering in Mercedes, Texas where Alan and Kay Oshel gave a presentation at Paradise South RV Park. That was when Dad heard SkyMed members tell their stories of how they used their SkyMed membership at a time of medical emergency. For minimal dollars, Dad thought it was well worth it in case something happened.
What would you tell your friends about your experience with SkyMed? Everyone I dealt with along the way were so positive and had the same attitude to get him home, which was such a comfort and a relief. SkyMed was the gift we needed in those last few days together. Our family is so very grateful for that and we cannot thank SkyMed enough.