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survivor-story-norm-lucille-hewer-michigan“While traveling home to Michigan from Perry, Georgia my husband became very ill. We made a stop at the local emergency room in Sidney, Ohio, where he was admitted with an infected gall bladder and emergency surgery was immediately performed.

Continued Lucille, “I made a call to SkyMed advising them that I may need assistance to bring Norm home. Once Norm was able to be transported, arrangements were made to transport to our home hospital and doctor.

“Norm was taken to the airport by ambulance and put on a medical plane and flown home. His care and overall treatment went beyond our expectations. There was also an RV to be returned, and both our vehicle and RV arrived home in good condition.”

“Words cannot express the praise we have for SkyMed. They were there when we needed them, and they were caring individuals who gave total concern and confidence in a time of need.

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